Politicans who blog
The Personal Democracy Forum blog, which is associated to the conference I have been talking about that is happening in May, has posted a few entries discussing politicians who blog. I commented on one of the threads, and now my name was mentioned in the most recent post.
From the entry :
Molly Chapman Norton’s recent article about Members of Congress and blogging has an interesting thread going, including Molly’s discovery of a list maintained by the National Conference of State Legislators of state reps who blog, and word from one 2006 congressional candidate, Scott Chacon, who is blogging, podcasting many of his posts, and running with a voluntary limit of $100 a contributor (could Joe Trippi be advising him?).
I would highly recommend this site – the features and blog sections are both excellent, and I am really looking forward to the conference. I should probably sign up soon. Stupid money.
Jon Garfunkel then comments on me :
Well, as you noted, the $100 challenge is nothing new. But an 18-month, online-brewed campaign for Congress, that could be the start of a trend.
I have trouble finding out much about Scott on his site though… that picture on the right is not of him.
For one, I just put up some more content, including a page about me. Second, let’s hope a trend starts.
By the way, Trippi is not advising me, but that is where I got the idea.