11 Mar 2005

Drilling Offshore with Pombo

The SF Chronicle published an interesting story today about Pombo (11th CD incumbent) passing around a bill dealing with offshore oil and gas drilling. From the article:

The powerful House Resources Committee, headed by a California Republican lawmaker, is quietly circulating what environmentalists call a “stealth strategy’’ to overturn nearly a quarter-century of bans against new offshore oil and gas drilling along much of the U.S. coastline.
The obscure draft legislation, called SEACOR, or the State Enhanced Authority for Coastal and Offshore Resources Act of 2005, would expand state control over energy development in offshore waters—and at the same time eliminate the blanket West and East Coast moratoriums given by Congress since 1982. ... Environmentalists fear it could get slapped onto the energy bill in last- minute joint House-Senate conference meetings and become law without public scrutiny.

Together with his agressive pushing to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, I would say the Oil and Gas industry is getting it’s $85,693 worth this cycle, what do you think?

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